Discover Motoman Robots Designed for Painting | Yaskawa


Discover Motoman Robots Designed for Painting: Find the Right Robot for Your Needs

In the realm of industrial manufacturing, efficiency and precision are paramount. Among the various processes involved, painting plays a crucial role in enhancing aesthetics, providing protection, and ensuring product quality. However, manual painting processes are often labour-intensive, time-consuming, and prone to inconsistencies. 

This is where painting robots step in, revolutionizing the painting industry with their advanced capabilities and cutting-edge technology.

Table of Contents


The Top 5 Benefits of Robots Designed for Painting

Investing in robots designed for painting unlocks a multitude of advantages for your operation. Here are the top five benefits:


  1. Precision and Consistency: Painting robots are equipped with precision tools and algorithms that ensure uniform coverage and consistent finish, eliminating variations commonly found in manual painting.

  2. Increased Efficiency: With their ability to work continuously without fatigue, painting robots significantly reduce cycle times, thereby increasing productivity and throughput in manufacturing processes.

  3. Improved Safety: By automating hazardous painting tasks, robots minimize the exposure of workers to potentially harmful chemicals and fumes, creating safer working environments.

  4. Cost-effectiveness: While the initial investment in painting robots may seem substantial, their long-term benefits in terms of reduced labor costs, material savings, and improved quality outweigh the initial expenditure.

  5. Flexibility and Adaptability: Painting robots are designed to handle a wide range of products and painting applications, offering manufacturers the flexibility to adapt to evolving production needs and market demands.


Different Industries Benefitting from Painting Robots

The adoption of painting robots spans across a wide array of industries, each reaping significant benefits from their implementation. Here's an in-depth exploration of how various sectors benefit from the integration of painting robots:


1. Automotive Industry

In the automotive sector, painting robots are indispensable for achieving flawless finishes on vehicles. From basecoat application to clear coat sealing, painting robots ensure uniform coverage, smooth surfaces, and impeccable quality. 

With the ability to handle complex curves and contours of car bodies, these robots enhance efficiency in automotive paint shops while maintaining consistency across production lines. 

Additionally, painting robots contribute to waste reduction by precisely controlling paint usage, thereby optimizing material consumption and reducing environmental impact.


2. Electronics Manufacturing

The electronics industry relies on painting robots to apply protective coatings on circuit boards, electronic enclosures, and components to safeguard against moisture, corrosion, and electrical interference. 

With precise control over coating thickness and coverage, these robots ensure the reliability and longevity of electronic devices, even in demanding operating environments. 

Moreover, painting robots streamline production workflows in electronics manufacturing, enabling faster time-to-market for consumer electronics, industrial equipment, and automotive electronics.


3. Furniture Manufacturing

From wooden furniture to metal fixtures, painting robots play a vital role in enhancing the aesthetics and durability of furniture products. Whether it's staining, lacquering, or applying decorative finishes, painting robots deliver consistent results with minimal overspray and waste.

By automating labour-intensive painting tasks, the furniture industry optimizes production processes, reduces manual errors, and achieves uniformity in finish quality across product lines. 

Additionally, painting robots offer versatility in handling diverse materials and designs, catering to the customization needs of modern furniture consumers.


The Different Types of Painting Treatments 

Painting treatments vary depending on the surface material, application method, and desired finish. Common painting treatments include:


  • Spray Painting: Ideal for large surface areas, spray painting involves atomizing paint into fine droplets and applying it evenly onto the surface using compressed air or high-pressure systems.

  • Powder Coating: In powder coating, electrostatically charged powder particles are sprayed onto the surface, where they adhere electrostatically before being cured under heat to form a durable finish.

  • Liquid Painting: Liquid painting involves applying paint in liquid form using brushes, rollers, or automated spray systems, offering versatility in terms of finishes and colours.

  • Electrodeposition Coating: Also known as e-coating or electrocoating, this process involves immersing the substrate in a paint bath containing charged particles, which deposit onto the surface under the influence of an electric field, providing uniform coverage and corrosion protection.


Exploring Yaskawas Painting Robots

Yaskawa, a leading robotics manufacturer, offers a comprehensive range of Motoman painting robots, including the innovative MPX series.  These robots are specifically designed for painting applications, delivering exceptional performance, versatility, and a compact footprint. Some top examples from Yaskawa's MPX series include:


1. The MPX1150

The MOTOMAN MPX1150 is a compact robot specifically designed for painting small parts. It can handle 5kg, allowing for multiple guns or small painting bells.  Its small size minimizes the size of the paint booth it needs. 

The robot's arm is designed to get close to workpieces, and it can be mounted on the floor, wall or ceiling with multiple power cable connection options.


2. The MPX1950

The MOTOMAN MPX1950 is a versatile, medium-sized painting robot with a 7kg payload capacity for various spray guns and bells. Its smooth design with a large hollow arm minimizes interference with paint and air tubes, and it can even hold additional equipment on its U-Axis and L-Arm. 

To save air, it uses a leakage compensation method to maintain positive pressure inside. The robot offers flexible mounting options on the floor, wall or ceiling, and its S/L axis design allows for close positioning of workpieces.


3. MPX3500

The MOTOMAN MPX3500 is an industrial robot designed for painting car bodies in the automotive industry. It has a long reach and can be mounted on the floor, wall or ceiling to fit different booth layouts. The robot is designed to work with various paint application technologies and allows for close positioning to the object being painted. 

The MOTOMAN Paint Software Package simplifies programming the robot with features for efficient painting and handling of unexpected situations.



In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, staying ahead requires embracing innovation and leveraging technology to optimize processes and enhance productivity. 

Painting robots represent a significant leap forward in automation, offering manufacturers the ability to achieve unparalleled levels of precision, efficiency, and quality in their painting operations. As industries continue to evolve, painting robots will undoubtedly play a vital role in shaping the future of manufacturing.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Are painting robots suitable for small-scale manufacturing operations?

Painting robots can be configured to accommodate various production scales, from small-batch to mass production, making them suitable for both large-scale manufacturing facilities and smaller operations seeking to improve efficiency and quality.


What are the maintenance requirements for painting robots?

Like any industrial equipment, painting robots require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Maintenance tasks typically include cleaning, lubrication, and periodic inspection of components such as nozzles, pumps, and hoses.


Can painting robots be integrated with existing production lines?

Yes, painting robots are designed to be versatile and can be seamlessly integrated into existing production lines, either as standalone systems or as part of a larger automated workflow. Yaskawa provides comprehensive integration support to ensure smooth deployment and operation within existing manufacturing environments.